Registration for Summer is Open! Find Out More! →


It’s time to dive into the world of meet declarations(attending or not attending)! 🏊‍♀️ You know what they say—if you don’t declare, you’ll be unprepared (okay, maybe no one says that, but it sounds important, right?). Declaring your swimmer’s attendance helps our coaches craft the perfect lineup and ensure that your little Michael Phelps is […]
There is a MANDATORY number of volunteer sessions (minimum of 6 but we usually need as much extra help as possible) required to successfully host these fundraiser meets; if you don’t do these – you will forfeit your $250 work bond deposit.   You may get other family members to help out – however they must […]
If there is a US meet on our schedule that conflicts with an ESSL meet, a swimmer may chooseto attend the US meet if they meet all of the below criteria:*they are a member of the Junior or Senior groups
Purpose: Athletes are most vulnerable to misconduct during travel, particularly overnight stays. This includes a high risk of athlete ­to­ athlete misconduct. During travel, athletes are often awayfrom their families and support networks, and the setting – new changing areas, locker rooms,workout facilities, automobiles and hotel rooms – is less structured and less familiar. Team […]