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Team Calendar

Welcome to the VAC Events Calendar, your go-to source for all upcoming meets and team activities. Please note that all events marked with a * are hosted by us, meaning parent volunteering is required to ensure everything runs smoothly. Your support is essential in making these events successful for our swimmers.

Stay informed about our meets, social events, and important dates as we keep our Viking Aquatic Swim Club spirit strong throughout the season. Thank you for your dedication and involvement!

Declare your swimmer for an upcoming meet through Team Unify/OnDeck once available (must be signed in) – and here’s a tutorial for that.

*Add the calendar to your google by clicking the +Google button in the bottom right corner of the calendar.

Event List

Clinics & Camps

Here you’ll find clinics and camps put on by other organizations in the area that your swimmer may be interested in. *Please inquire about details directly with the organization by following the link in the event description.

Press the “Look for more” link as there may be a few later in the season or even in the summer.

Help Center Articles

Where can I find my family folder?

The Filing Cabinet  Each family has a folder (by last name) inside the filing cabinet. The filing cabinet is located in the VAC office adjacent to the girl’s locker room and can be accessed via the pool deck. The folders are in the drawer located second from the top. All

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Competitive Swim Group

Level: Intermediate – Advanced Competitive Group Despite the name, this group isn’t for anyone who simply wants to be competitive—it’s the next level after White. Athletes in this group are usually at least 9 years old (but most are a few years older) and can legally complete 25 yards of

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OnDeck App

*You will not be able to setup the onDeck app until you receive an email from TeamUnify that your account has been setup (or that payments have been posted as we manually need to enter your payments and balances into the system – which can take us a few weeks).

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