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US/ESSL Meet Conflict Policy

If there is a US meet on our schedule that conflicts with an ESSL meet, a swimmer may choose
to attend the US meet if they meet all of the below criteria:
*they are a member of the Junior or Senior groups

  • they have an attendance rate of 85% or better
  • they have attended all other scheduled ESSL meets with the exception of prior approved US
    meet conflicts
  • they are in good financial standing with the club
    (This only applies to US meets on our team schedule. You may not attend any other US meets)

Help Center Articles

What are tryouts like?

Our tryouts are very relaxed and low-key. Your swimmer just needs to wear their swimsuit and be ready to swim. During the tryout, they will be asked to swim at least one length of the pool (25 meters) to demonstrate their ability. Based on their performance, the coach will decide

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Can I switch swim groups?

After trying out most swimmers will be assigned to the Blue group due to ability and/or age. The coach will often tell you which group you’ll be assigned to immediately following practice and/or you will receive an email with your assigned group. New Swimmers If due to schedule restrictions or

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Remind App

Most communication happens in the RemindApp and a new remind group is created every year so make sure to add the new group for the current season. Step 1: Download the Remind App Step 2: Sign Up for Remind Step 3: Stay Informed Now that you’re all set up, you’ll

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