How old does a child need to be to swim with the club?
Our youngest swimmers typically start around 5 years old. We welcome young swimmers who are eager to learn and develop their swimming skills.
Our youngest swimmers typically start around 5 years old. We welcome young swimmers who are eager to learn and develop their swimming skills.
Junior Group Junior level athletes are near “perfect” in all four strokes, and are able to take on more and harder challenges. The expectation is to further perfect all strokes while adding in training for all energy systems. This group will follow a periodization schedule. Coaches Jen Hand, Jenna Prodromides
Welcome to the aquatic jungle of swim meets, where whistles blow, swimmers glide, and timers like you save the day (or at least the finish times). Forget being a sideline cheerleader—it’s time to step onto the deck, stopwatch in hand, and become the hero these swimmers didn’t know they needed.