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When does the season start?

The specific dates for each season change annually, so please request more information if you would like next seasons dates or are interested in joining mid-season. The season’s generally follow the Valley Central school schedule.

Seasonal Dates

Fall Season (Early September – Spring Break)

First or second week of school to Spring Break (March/April)

Spring (Late April – end of June)

The Spring season is broken up into Session 1 (Spring-Break – End of May) and Session 2 (End of May – End of School Year in June).

Summer (Early July – Late August)

Swim usually begins the first full week following the 4th of July and goes until Labor Day weekend.

We do take swimmers mid-season frequently so feel free to fill out our tryouts registration form to either attend a group tryout or schedule a private one.

Help Center Articles

What should I expect during a swim meet?

Swim meets are exciting events where our swimmers showcase their hard work and compete against other teams. Whether it’s your first meet or you’re a seasoned swim parent, here’s what you can expect: Signing Up for the Meet For all meets  sign-up is handled through our website (TeamUnify software and

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What are tryouts like?

Our tryouts are very relaxed and low-key. Your swimmer just needs to wear their swimsuit and be ready to swim. During the tryout, they will be asked to swim at least one length of the pool (25 meters) to demonstrate their ability. Based on their performance, the coach will decide

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