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Competitive Swim Group

Level: Intermediate – Advanced

Competitive Group

Despite the name, this group isn’t for anyone who simply wants to be competitive—it’s the next level after White. Athletes in this group are usually at least 9 years old (but most are a few years older) and can legally complete 25 yards of all four competitive strokes. Expectations are to perfect all the strokes with an emphasis on aerobic capacity (lots of moderate long swimming, little rest) and some, but little anaerobic power. Should have competition-level 100s.


Jenna Prodromides, Carol Colton 

Practice Times

Fall & Spring: 5:30pm – 7:30pm Daily
Summer: 7:30am – 9:30am Daily

Help Center Articles

Parent Volunteering at Swim Meets

There is a MANDATORY number of volunteer sessions (minimum of 6 but we usually need as much extra help as possible) required to successfully host these fundraiser meets; if you don’t do these – you will forfeit your $250 work bond deposit.   You may get other family members to help

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What should I expect during a swim meet?

Swim meets are exciting events where our swimmers showcase their hard work and compete against other teams. Whether it’s your first meet or you’re a seasoned swim parent, here’s what you can expect: Signing Up for the Meet For all meets  sign-up is handled through our website (TeamUnify software and

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How do I sign up my swimmer for a meet?

It’s time to dive into the world of meet declarations(attending or not attending)! 🏊‍♀️ You know what they say—if you don’t declare, you’ll be unprepared (okay, maybe no one says that, but it sounds important, right?). Declaring your swimmer’s attendance helps our coaches craft the perfect lineup and ensure that

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