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May 16, 2024

Attendance: Greg Hoover, Jen Thompson,  Tories Brown, Christina Kelly, Brenda Melendez, and Lena Forrey.

6:02pm Call to Order by Jen Thompson

Motion to accept minutes from last meeting, Jen Thompson made the motion, Greg second it, all in favor.

Discussed moving meetings to the 3rd Wednesday of the month@ 6pm. WIll meet June 12th as the district is closed 6/19/24.

Treasurer Reported(Jen Thompson) financials.

Reports on Meets: SILVERS- we will not be hosting this year- potentially being hosted by Newburgh Sharks: BRONZE- we are supposed to host, but it is the same weekend as the high school play. Looking into if the date can be changed, if not, we may have to look into hosting at another pool, maybe Washingtonville?

Summer session: Capital project improvements to pool over the summer. Unsure yet if/how this will affect the summer session. This will be voted on 5/21/24 by school. 

NEW IDEAS- Lena discussed multiple ideas for updating the website to make it more streamlined and efficient. Some ideas included:

  • Electronic contracts
  • Updating payment options to include  credit cards- currently if a registrant wants to pay with a credit card, Jen has to manually create a bill for them.
  • Email automation 

With the updated website, we will still keep our domain name. Lena also sent out a detailed draft of ideas via email to board members. This included costs to update and change the website, cost associated with e- signatures on the website, costs for email, email automation. 

Motion- to update/create a new website- Jen Thompson made the motion, executive board all in favor-3- , no abstentions or against. 

End of Meeting: 6:47 pm 

Help Center Articles

How do I sign up my swimmer for a meet?

It’s time to dive into the world of meet declarations(attending or not attending)! 🏊‍♀️ You know what they say—if you don’t declare, you’ll be unprepared (okay, maybe no one says that, but it sounds important, right?). Declaring your swimmer’s attendance helps our coaches craft the perfect lineup and ensure that

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OnDeck App

*You will not be able to setup the onDeck app until you receive an email from TeamUnify that your account has been setup (or that payments have been posted as we manually need to enter your payments and balances into the system – which can take us a few weeks).

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Parent Volunteering at Swim Meets

There is a MANDATORY number of volunteer sessions (minimum of 6 but we usually need as much extra help as possible) required to successfully host these fundraiser meets; if you don’t do these – you will forfeit your $250 work bond deposit.   You may get other family members to help

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