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Where can I find my family folder?

The Filing Cabinet 

Each family has a folder (by last name) inside the filing cabinet. The filing cabinet is located in the VAC office adjacent to the girl’s locker room and can be accessed via the pool deck. The folders are in the drawer located second from the top. All ribbons and medals won from swim meets as well as important club information will be placed in these folders throughout the season, so it’s important to check the folder weekly.

Help Center Articles

OnDeck App

*You will not be able to setup the onDeck app until you receive an email from TeamUnify that your account has been setup (or that payments have been posted as we manually need to enter your payments and balances into the system – which can take us a few weeks).

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Competitive Swim Group

Level: Intermediate – Advanced Competitive Group Despite the name, this group isn’t for anyone who simply wants to be competitive—it’s the next level after White. Athletes in this group are usually at least 9 years old (but most are a few years older) and can legally complete 25 yards of

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Registering for USA Swimming

What is USA Swimming? USA Swimming is the national governing body for competitive swimming in the United States. It oversees the sport at all levels, from local swim clubs to the Olympic team. USA Swimming is responsible for setting rules, promoting the sport, supporting and developing swimmers and coaches, and

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