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US/ESSL Meet Conflict Policy

If there is a US meet on our schedule that conflicts with an ESSL meet, a swimmer may choose
to attend the US meet if they meet all of the below criteria:
*they are a member of the Junior or Senior groups

  • they have an attendance rate of 85% or better
  • they have attended all other scheduled ESSL meets with the exception of prior approved US
    meet conflicts
  • they are in good financial standing with the club
    (This only applies to US meets on our team schedule. You may not attend any other US meets)

Help Center Articles

Competitive Swim Group

Level: Intermediate – Advanced Competitive Group Despite the name, this group isn’t for anyone who simply wants to be competitive—it’s the next level after White. Athletes in this group are usually at least 9 years old (but most are a few years older) and can legally complete 25 yards of

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Registering for USA Swimming

What is USA Swimming? USA Swimming is the national governing body for competitive swimming in the United States. It oversees the sport at all levels, from local swim clubs to the Olympic team. USA Swimming is responsible for setting rules, promoting the sport, supporting and developing swimmers and coaches, and

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What is Safe Sport

Safe Sport is a comprehensive initiative designed to ensure a safe and positive environment for all participants involved in youth sports, particularly in organizations like swim clubs. The program is implemented by USA Swimming and other sports organizations to protect athletes from abuse and misconduct, while promoting their well-being and

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