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June 12, 2024

Attendance: Greg Hoover,  Toriea Brown, Coach Jen Hand, Lena Forrey  Kate Giametta(trustee)

6:02pm Call to Order by Greg Hoover

Financial- nothing to report(treasurer not in attendance). 

Background checks– required for all executive board members. 

Upcoming season/prices- VAC has not raised prices in several years. VAC is one of the most affordable clubs in the area. Discussion re: increasing prices or keeping them the same. Coach Jen reports there are scholarships available for those in need.

 Updates:Greg Hoover- reports the contract for VAC with VC was passed- no specifics at this time 

Capital project improvements were passed for renovations to the pool- unsure if renovations will begin this summer or summer of 2025. As of now summer session will begin 7/8/24.

SILVERS- we will not be hosting this year- potentially being hosted by Newburgh Sharks: BRONZE- we are supposed to host, but it is the same weekend as the high school play. Looking into if the date can be changed, if not, we may have to look into hosting at another pool, maybe Washingtonville?

Coach Jen- acknowledges there were some issues for a few days with getting the pool opened on time. Security/custodians should be opening the pool. Delays in getting the pool opened as well as setting up the lane lines caused delays in  practice start times for the swimmers.This has been resolved.

Coach Jen- reports we have previous swimmers of VAC will be assisting for the summer session as some coaches availability are limited to 2x/ week.

New ideas: Greg Hoover would like to invite collegiate swim coaches to swim meets r/t recruiting. Discussed inviting the coaches to the VAC classic.

Greg- proposed to increase the coaches salary. Coaches currently make $25/hr. Proposed to raise to $30/hr.  Head coach : increase from $30/hr to $35/hr.

Motion to increase coaches salary- Toriea Brown made the motion, executive board in favor, no against.

Kate(trustee)- Registration forms need to go out earlier and would benefit from an online hyper-link. Reports by the time she received the flier, the season had already begun. Discussed expanding the area fliers are distributed to, beyond VCSD Discussed an email blast for reminders of upcoming sessions, dates and times .

Website update- Lena reports still trying to gain access- discusses electronic payments online.

Next Board Meeting scheduled for 7/24/24

End of Meeting: 6:37 pm 

Help Center Articles

When does the season start?

The specific dates for each season change annually, so please request more information if you would like next seasons dates or are interested in joining mid-season. The season’s generally follow the Valley Central school schedule. Seasonal Dates Fall Season (Early September – Spring Break) First or second week of school

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What are tryouts like?

Our tryouts are very relaxed and low-key. Your swimmer just needs to wear their swimsuit and be ready to swim. During the tryout, they will be asked to swim at least one length of the pool (25 meters) to demonstrate their ability. Based on their performance, the coach will decide

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Can I switch swim groups?

After trying out most swimmers will be assigned to the Blue group due to ability and/or age. The coach will often tell you which group you’ll be assigned to immediately following practice and/or you will receive an email with your assigned group. New Swimmers If due to schedule restrictions or

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