Attendance: Coach Jen, Greg Hoover, Jen Thompson, Milana Tepermayster, Christina Kelly,
Toriea Brown, and
6:21 p.m Call to Order by Greg Hoover
Report: motion to approve June meeting minutes by Jen T – and Greg H. seconded.
Approved by all.
Treasurer Report (Jen Thompson) presented.
BACKGROUND CHECKS – Milana still needs to complete it! Check with rest of the board
that its been done.
Summer Enrollment: it’s a week by week situation re participation, pool repair work has not
started – mostly likely the last two weeks of August.
Enrollment in the fall – discussed pricing and rates for the incoming Fall 2024 season.
Haven’t changed rates since 2016. Reviewed the 24/25 Calendar – similar amount of days
varsity girls and varsity boys will miss practice due to meets.
- Motion made to raise enrollment price $50 per group – Jen T made the motion,
Toriea seconded, all in favor. - 1 hr group is going from $575 to $625
- 2 hr group is going from $695 to $745
- Varsity girls and boys are $545
Swimsuits – need to add to the team store, and parents will be able to buy directly from the
vendor – by cash check, not going through the team. Fitting will be on Tuesday, October 1,
- Followed by parent meeting – 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Agreement to start Fall swim on September 9th –tryouts all week. Need to update the flyer
and have it approved by School and deliver to all the elementary schools in Valley Central.
We can also post on VC Facebook boards.
Parents packet needs to be updated, and website needs to be updated. Jen T needs to start
a new class/thread on Remind.
Dates for Meets: November 15, 16 , 17 – Classic
January 10, 11, 12 2025- January Blitz
February 21,22, 23 2025 – Silvers – are we doing it?
March 28,29, 30 2025 – Bronze – we are co-hosting but prob in
Washingtonville pool
Fundraiser/group ideas – Kate in charge Awards dinner was a big hit, recalled Fall
Fundraiser at the Farm, Halloween -we had an invent with glow sticks in the pool, duckies
for rewards and croc shoe toys are popular as well as fidget toys.
Kitchen – fridge might need to be cleaned out, motion made to purchase one large coffee
pot brewer – Toriea made a motion, Jen T seconded all approved.
NEXT MEETING August 21, 2024 – location TBD
End of Meeting: Motion to Adj by MT, Greg H seconded, meeting ended at 7:45 p.m.