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April 22, 2024

Attendance: Coach Jen, Greg Hoover, Jen Thompson, Milana Tepermayster, Christina Kelly, Brenda Melendez, Lena Forrey, Toriea Brown, and Kristina Storaska. 

5:54 p.m Call to Order by Jen Thompson. 

Report: No minutes from last meeting, 

Treasurer Report (Jen Thompson): March Bank account $77,720.35, funds that have yet to clear: $1,849.62, current balance $71,828.79. 

Report on MEETS: 

We participated in 4 meets this year, which helped to boost up the Spring/Summer fees for swimmers. We co-hosted – so some checks still need to be cleared. 

VAC Classic-  collected $64,836.20, fees and expenses $28,509.88, we had $36,326.32 to split between two teams. There are still uncollected fees. It looks like NET profit is $16,215. 

JANUARY meet – collected so far $22,894.20, expenses $10,180, split between two teams -our profit is $5,741.09, still $1,058 uncollected. 

SILVERS meet – collected $30,345.75, expenses $17,511.56, uncollected $2,104, profit $4,727.97 to each team – not including the uncollected fees. 

BRONZE meet – collected $33,658.85, expenses $19,018.51, outstanding fees to be collected $8,300, right now profit between two teams is $2,400 but once we finish collecting, our profit will be closer to $6,500.00. 

Next year Meets – Sept 2024- March 2025: we are not doing the Silvers Meet, we are slated to co-host Classic, January Blitz and the Bronze meets. Bronze is an issue right now because the school also has a play that same weekend. 

Classic – November 15, 16, 17

Jan Blitz – Jan 17, 18, 19

Bronze – March 28, 29, 30 (issue with school play needs to be resolved)

Fees this year: Jen collects checks or has to collect the credit cards and input the charges manually, the paypal link on the website doesn’t work.  

The Fees for the swimmers for participating in the meets were waived – didn’t charge this year. Also fees to swimmers for joining the team stayed the same and were not raised. 

Summer program: The timing and weeks of participation might need to be changed. The pool area is getting work done – depending if the school budget for capital improvement is passed. Maybe will need to start on July 15th – will know more depending on the vote. 

NEW CONTRACT: Jen and Kristina met with school officials today (Brad Conklin)– VAC contract with school negotiations. Discussed new rates, perks and Jen’s access  to WI-FI for emergency purposes especially. 

NEW IDEAS: can we get a AT&T phone for Team – that seems to work for many parents? How to get credit cards/venmo/paypal to work at the snack desk – it might bring more revenue. Lina is to look into it. Starlink – is that a possibility? 

BACKGROUND CHECKS – the following that will need them: President, Vice-President, Trustee, Secretary and Coach Jen -Coach Jen to get particulars. We also need to do the Safe Sports educational program-  Coach Jen to send the link. 

DECISION MAKING – financial decisions are made by executive board – President, Vice-President, Trustee (OR IS IT TREASURER?), Secretary and Coach. General Decisions are made by ALL the board. We also have an open board, meaning parents are welcome to sit in for the meetings. 

SPRING AND SUMMER MEETS: Coach Jen to send the list of possible meets, we don’t host in the Spring.  Summer meet at New Paltz open pool might be fun. 

SWIMMER REPORT – we have 33 registered swimmers, need to send out US Registration to them. 

MOTION – to accept new board with team (on line), 18 parents/etc voted- Greg Hoover as president, Toriea Brown as Vice-President, Christina Kelly – as trustee, Jen Thompson as Treasurer, Milana Tepermayster as Secretary, Brenda Melendez as Trustee Consession, Cara Messing – as Trustee Clerk, Lena Forrey as Trustee- Communication, Kate Giametta – as Fundraising Trustee, Melissa Grau – as Trustee. 

Motion – made by Kristina, Jen Thomson -seconded, all in favor – 6, no abstentions or against. 

MOTION – to remove Brian and Deborah from team bank account at HVFCU and add Greg Hoover to the bank account, Jen Thompson made the motion, Toriea seconded, all in favor. 

GENERAL DISCUSSION – this is a board run team, Coach Jen is here to coach but she has taken on many various roles above and beyond. We are a non-profit organization. We have a healthy bank account – after the bank account dipped during Covid. Jen Thomson did explain that the account will be lower in the next few months – she has to pay insurances and coaches for spring/summer. We need more volunteers to do various jobs- we are paying for some while in the past parents were certified and volunteered. Discussed the work bond – $250 – we really need parents to volunteer. 

  • Board should meet once a month – maybe 3rd Thursday of the month. 
  • Lena to help Jen Thomson with communication items. 
  • Following dates for meetings through September: May 16th at 5:30 p.m., June 20th at 5:30 p.m, July 18th at 5:30 p.m, August 15th at 5:30 p.m., September 19th at 5:30 p.m.
  • Replace current filing cabinet for individual folders with hanging folders
  • Delegate small jobs for parents and members to help out for example: Ribbons after meets, coaches breakfast ordered ahead, 
  • Prepare a spreadsheet, check list to get everyone ready for the Fall and Meets
  • Speedo Sectional – coach buys fins and all equipment. Cabinet for Equipment so don’t share with school 
  • Lena – as communications trustee, to be added as super UNIFI (Spelling?), will be looking into web page/signs up.

End of Meeting: 7:15 p.m. 

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Where can I find my family folder?

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