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Where can I find my family folder?

The Filing Cabinet 

Each family has a folder (by last name) inside the filing cabinet. The filing cabinet is located in the VAC office adjacent to the girl’s locker room and can be accessed via the pool deck. The folders are in the drawer located second from the top. All ribbons and medals won from swim meets as well as important club information will be placed in these folders throughout the season, so it’s important to check the folder weekly.

Help Center Articles

Parent Volunteering at Swim Meets

There is a MANDATORY number of volunteer sessions (minimum of 6 but we usually need as much extra help as possible) required to successfully host these fundraiser meets; if you don’t do these – you will forfeit your $250 work bond deposit.   You may get other family members to help

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It’s too expensive, I can’t afford it at this time.

At Viking Aquatic Swim Club, we occasionally hear: “It’s too expensive, I can’t afford it right now.” We totally understand—sports can feel like a big financial commitment, especially when budgets are tight. But we believe so deeply in the value of swimming that we want to ensure every family has

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